Clever Car Hacks

There never seems to be enough hours in the day. I can attest to this as I currently juggle my full time job, pursue my MBA part-time and try to make my recently acquired home into my sanctum. I do love challenges and embrace them as I would an adventure.

My mind is often fixated on possible ways to make my days just a tad bit easier and that's where my search began to find small ways to make necessary duties a bit more seamless. But why stop there? Like I said I like my adventures and an adventure for me can be a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) project.   I get a kick out of the satisfaction of knowing I did something on my own and there has never been a better or easier time than now to follow through with your own DIYs. 

Photo Courtesy

With this being said, I didn't wish to start off with any girly antics. This blog is intended to be gender neutral after all.  So we'll start with making our beloved motor vehicles look a bit more swanky with a few simple tips.

Most of us may have cringed at the sight of a scratch on our otherwise perfect paint job. What an eye sore!! However, little did we know that this can be rectified with the use of something most of us have lying about the house. Imagine with a can of WD-40 we can just about get rid of scratches and scuff marks that mar the look of your car. Have a look.

Video Courtesy Peyton Tan

Up next check out this super easy hack to make worn and hazy headlights look brand new.

Video Courtesy TechBuilder

Just so you know this toothpaste hack really does work!

Now think about it, other that giving your ride a fresh new look, you could also probably keep a couple hundred dollars in your pocket. Cha Ching! What could be better than that! 


  1. Excellent ideas.... looking forward to trying it myself

  2. yes...ideas are in deed excellent...will try ....

  3. I will have to try some of these on my new van looks lime ah money saver mission is on 😂
