Clutter-Free Closet 101

Ever had to deal with this…

Photo Courtesy Can Stock Photo

…but been in a mad rush to get dressed for a party that night? Or had problems finding that favourite tie or cute stilettos just when you’re getting ready to go out with a new guy/gal?  It can be torture looking for clothing when we really need it.

But come on, we get dressed every day.  Why not practice a little Life Made Easy (lme) and help ourselves along? So here are a few quick pointers to help you on your pathway to achieving this….

Photo Courtesy

Or maybe this…

Photo Courtesy

Tips adapted from Courtney Craver, Be More With Less:
  1. Empty your closet. Yup, the whole thing and place your clothing on the bed.  This way you’re obligated to finish the project before you head to sleep that night, so have an early start.
  2. Clean out the empty closet with a damp cloth and soap and let it air dry.
  3. Sort clothing into piles that you’re keeping, re-purposing or trash.  This is the hardest part and you really need to be honest with yourself here.  Ask yourself honestly for each article of clothing, “will I really wear this within the next three to six months?” 
  4. Next, repack your carefully chosen keepers. 
  5. The trash pile goes in the trash.  Easy enough.
  6. Finally, the items chosen to be re-purposed can be given to a friend or family member who will use it, the less fortunate, a homeless shelter or to your favourite charity. 

Personally, when I de-clutter my closet I have been partial to giving items that I haven't used or have used but still looks brand new to Twice Upon A Time.  This thrift shop previously accepted clothing and other gently used house hold items (furniture, books and appliances) which were resold and all proceeds donated to the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society.  They have since closed the establishment due to lack of support but the link below can assist you in finding a local charity of your choice:

There your have it friends, you can now successfully execute an organised closet to simplify your life and as an added bonus, help someone, somewhere in need.


  1. Fantastic ideas. I am definitely going to try

  2. Very good & practical ideas...will try to follow this pattern

  3. I really need to try this!!!!

  4. I really like these hacks very smart.. I would never think of these things wow .... thanks LME

  5. Check out our follow up post, Clutter-Free Closet 102 - For the Guys!

  6. Great idea. This actually works well for me!
