Lunch & Dessert Made Easy

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In a previous post we covered Breakfast & Dinner Made Easy.  Today we have a few ideas for making Lunch & Dessert easy. But before that,  here are a few tips for helping you get your meals ready for the week, adapted from 15 Lunch Box Packing Hacks Every Mum Should Know, All You.  This way you can maximise your relaxation time after those long days at work.

Fitness Made Easy

Well it's bikini body time and the costume launches are well on the way for Carnival 2018.  Many have already hit the gym but for the novices and dabblers like myself, who require some additional motivation for keep healthy and fit, this post is for you.

Clever Car Hacks Again

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If you recall our first post "Clever Car Hacks" gave some great DIYs and hacks for taking care of car issues.  Today, we're compelled to share more car hacks because our motor vehicles are so dear to us and because car hacks are in abundance.  So let's start with little known facts about our cars...

Beauty Hacks Reloaded

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Try out these natural and super easy Beauty Hacks adapted from 9 Beauty Tips for Gorgeous Skin and Hair, Smart Cooky!

Instant Non-Greasy Hair

Need to get rid of limp, greasy and stringy hair in a jiffy and don't have time for a shampoo and blow dry?

Try sprinkling some baby powder on your hair brush, over turning your hair/head and running the brush from the nape of your neck through to the tips of your hair. Toss back your hair, style as needed. And there you have it! Instant bouncy hair with a non-greasy look.

Dining Etiquette 101

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Have you ever held an informal or formal dinner party at your home but at times felt unsure of what was required for proper dinning etiquette?  Or have your ever invited someone to dine out and neglected to exhibit the proper table manners?  Today we're going to cover the basic of dinning etiquette that will make your next informal or formal dinning experience a success!

Hacks to get You Through the Workday

You spend so much of your day at the office and sitting in the same place for hours at a time can become frustrating. So wouldn't it be nice to have some tips to help keep you focused all day long and some hacks to make your office space more inclined for efficiency on the job?

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Let's start with a tips for ensuring you remain productive and focused all day long adapted from 12 Office Hacks to Improve Your Productivity presented by Infographic:

1. According to researchers, the colour green inspires productivity in individuals.  So your may want to ask your boss for a nice plant for your office space or bring one from home.

Easy & Chemical-Free Cleaning

Quite a few hours of our week are devoted to keeping our homes clean.  However, don't you wish you could spend a little less time doing chores?  Don't you wish that it didn't require so much effort after you spent the past week dealing with the heavy demands of your job?  Wouldn't it be great if you could spend more time relaxing?

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Clutter-Free Closet 102 - For The Guys

Today's closet hacks are dedicated to the Guys.

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We at lme really do try to cater to both genders.  Now for any of the guys out there that may need a bit of help just to refine your style please read on. We came across these very simple yet subtle ways to improve your appearance.  Please pay attention gents because the ladies do have an eye for detail and trust me after  this post, we will be paying attention to the way you wear your attire. LOL

Beauty Hacks

To those of you who voted for other than kitchen hacks, don't think that we've left you hanging.

Today is dedicated to Beauty Hacks!

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Let's start with a few quick beauty tips using Aloe Vera.  Yup that amazing plant most of us have growing in the back yard. Check out this quick video.

Breakfast & Dinner Made Easy

We heard you! The votes have been counted are in! Drum roll please....

Those of you who voted for Kitchen DIYs and hacks, today is your luck day.

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So if you always seem to be on the go, from home to work and back again, and your feel like you never have the time to prepare simple, quick, easy and nutritious meals, then today is your day. Because come on let's face it, who wants to go slave in the kitchen after having a demanding day's work?  We at lme are committed to making every day things easier for you!

Vogue Ready

Photo Courtesy Vogue

Did you know that there are techniques, an art even, to taking selfies.