Se Réunir

Welcome to the weekend! Point to note is that its long weekend galore in T & T with consecutive long weekends lined up for your enjoyment. And what do ‘trinis’ do well on a long weekend? Well…

Photo Courtesy free 

Or se réunir as they say in french.

So if you’re looking for a slightly different take on a party this weekend why not be the host?  Yes, I know this may require more effort than you like, but think of the benefits and memories you and your friends will create.  The following tips are meant to make your house party a bit more effortless but just as much fun.

  • Since it’s your house and you control the guest list, make sure to invite friends who are willing to give you a hand with executing the event, not to mention bring life to the party!
  • Venue, already covered.
  • Next, decide on a fun theme.  Let your creative juices flow here or opt for a theme from the list provided below. Purchase the necessary decorative supplies and ask two pals to help you with decorating on the morning of the party.

Photo Courtesy s-media-cache

  • Now for food and drink.  If funds is not an issue you can always have a catered party.  However, your other option would be to ask each guest to bring along a dish or a bottle of a favourite beverage.  Keep track of what each guest will be bringing to ensure that there is variety and if you wish, that the dishes support your chosen theme. As a good host you should also provide a dish or two yourself and/or some beverages.  There are many quick and easy party recipes available on the Food Network’s site which you can prepare before hand.

  • Finally give some consideration to organising some nice but disposable cutlery, napkins, plates and cups, possibly in keeping with your theme. This will help to minimise clean up afterwards. Pick up a few bags of ice at your nearest Quick Shoppe an hour before the party to be placed in your cooler. And for music you can always pull up a favourite play list on You Tube and route through your speakers.

Photo Courtesy

Easy peasy! Not so hard after all! And if your blessed with really good friends they will volunteer to help you clean up after the fun.

If you’re booked up already for the long weekends, then July/August vacation is just around the corner so be sure to try these house partying hacks made easy and let us know how the fun unfolds. 


  1. Good info, thought I would get more examples through pictures or videos, to make It exciting.. but It helped Anyway.. i dont Like to read a lot lol

  2. The theme concept is great
